// Panels .panel-variant(@border; @heading-text-color; @heading-bg-color; @heading-border) { border-color: @border; & > .panel-heading { color: @heading-text-color; background-color: @heading-bg-color; border-color: @heading-border; + .panel-collapse > .panel-body { border-top-color: @border; } .badge { color: @heading-bg-color; background-color: @heading-text-color; } } & > .panel-footer { + .panel-collapse > .panel-body { border-bottom-color: @border; } } } How should I backup my computer?

In order to understand which backup solution you should use an understanding of the options is a good place to start.  The first thing you should understand is the difference between onsite and offsite backups.  An onsite backup is one where you copy your files from one computer or device to another computer or device which is at the same physical location.  An example of an onsite backup would be copying files to an external USB storage device.  On offsite backup is one where you upload the files to a different location.  An example of offsite backup would be Carbonite  or IBackup.  These programs will schedule a backup and automatically copy all of your files to the cloud.  In most cases I would highly recommend an offsite backup, in the worst case scenario there is a fire or flood onsite backups can be damaged along with your original files and you could potentially lose everything.

Cloud Storage

There are many options for cloud storage like Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive and Apple’s ICloud.  These options are typically inexpensive for large amounts of storage but also do not provide version control.  Version control comes in useful when you save documents and then decide you need to go back to an older version.  These types of storage are great for synchronizing your files across multiple devices and are perfect for storing images and videos which do not get updated often.

Ideally you would use a combination of backup options to ensure that your data is always protected.  Choosing one traditional offsite backup and one cloud storage will allow you to be confident that no matter what happens your data will always be safe.

Check out this article about cybercrime for more information about the important of a good backup.