// Panels .panel-variant(@border; @heading-text-color; @heading-bg-color; @heading-border) { border-color: @border; & > .panel-heading { color: @heading-text-color; background-color: @heading-bg-color; border-color: @heading-border; + .panel-collapse > .panel-body { border-top-color: @border; } .badge { color: @heading-bg-color; background-color: @heading-text-color; } } & > .panel-footer { + .panel-collapse > .panel-body { border-bottom-color: @border; } } } Homeschoolconvention | Cyber Corp Software

The Mission

Designing and developing an
Homeschooling website for Home School Convention

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We Develop the project with a branding exercise which saw the development and brand and consistent tone of voice. The brand was incorporated into the clients existing trade portal via a new landing page design as well as company literature, merchandising and marketing for the client to see the new brand across all channels. We created responsive designs for the new Home School Convention homepage as well as a Inner pages.

  • User Research
  • Information Architecture
  • Coding
  • Ui Design
  • Responsive Design
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Interested In Working With Us?